Friday, October 03, 2003


i just came back from having one of the best meals in my life. true, i like my food, but this transcends most of my culinary experience. it was at this quaint little blue-walled seafood restaurant called 'out of the blue' (cute). it's located just across the street from the harbour in Dingle. Dingle is a famous bay in co.Kerry just nortwest of Tralee and takes about a little over an hour to get there from tralee by car.

i thought the best part of the whole event was the starter. probably because i was so hungry by the time we got there. the food took a while to get to you, but they actually left some recipe books lying around for the patrons to flip through while waiting for the food. it was quite a brilliant idea i must say, because flipping through those glossy cookbooks' pages certainly whets one appetite.

i had crab claws in garlic for my starter. it was heavenly . i used all ten of my fingers (and then some!) and became totally oblivious to my surroundings. certainly not the place to bring a date to for the first time! my main course was good too-plaice in lemon butter- and 2 of my friends had these lovely scallops (i know cuz i nicked some. heh.) and we had this huge lobster between us which was absolutely gorgeous.

now i can go through the dreaded weekend oncall with some consolation :>